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Posts tagged as “USA”

Gutter War: Reevaluating the Importance of Rocky IV

Filmmakers have been exploring the tension, complexity, and consequence of the Cold War for 70 years. Three decades after the fall of Soviet Russia, Hollywood can still be relied upon to regularly produce Cold War-fueled plotlines. And understandably so—few backdrops provide such authentic drama; few premises inspire the dads of America to pay film admission so enthusiastically. Seemingly, each nook…

Book Talk: Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary by Yuri Shevchuk

Please join the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute for a talk with Yuri Shevchuk, author of the Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary (Hippocrene Books, 2021). The Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary describes the core Ukrainian lexicon and how it is used in contemporary speech. It has no precedents in Slavic lexicography and combines elements of six types of dictionaries: translation, collocation, learner’s, thesaurus, phraseological and encyclopedic dictionaries. It…

Dance Again With Me Heywood!

N.I.C.E. Film Festival New Italian Cinema Events (N.I.C.E.) Film Festival celebrates its 29th edition in the United States. World Premiere of: Dance Again With Me Heywood! (2019, Italy/USA, 76 min.) Directed by Michele Diomà Starring Giorgio Arcelli Fontana, Ottavia Orticello, and featuring James Ivory Preceded by the screening of: American Marriage (2019, USA, 15 min.) Directed and starring Giorgio Arcelli Fontana…