Turgenev’s Modern Pastoral: Peasants and the Struggle with Modernity in Russian Realism

Join us for another installment of the 19v seminar. This event will be held virtually as a Zoom meeting: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/99102207490.  This talk will explore how the pastoralism of Notes from a Hunter neither ignores history nor gives up on the nostalgic dream of frozen time as it moves between poles of dynamism and repose and struggles with the relentless expectations of…



On February 18, please join ASF for a virtual round-table discussion on “Radical Nationalism and the Politics of Nostalgia,” which will touch upon topics such as Nordic and U.S. right-wing extremism, populism, white melancholy, and the normalcy of whiteness. Panelists will include Benjamin R. Teitelbaum, Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology and International Affairs at the University of Colorado, Boulder; Catrin Lundström, Associate…

Roundtable Discussion: Outsider Art (Art Brut): Symbolism of Body Adornments


Self-taught Outsider artists ("Art Brut")  develop personal systems of expression to produce paintings, sculptures, drawings or textile works outside of official artistic circles. Sometimes unaware of social conventions, often resistant to cultural rules, they transgress (sometimes involuntarily) established codes and invent highly personal symbolic universes. In their works, Outsider artists invent subjects, modes of representation, systems of perspective, and technical…


20/21 Philosophers: Tristan Garcia


Philosophy, in the 21st century, has changed: its practices and languages are no longer those of the previous century. A turning point has been taken by new generations and thinkers from diverse origins who, more than commenting on the old masters, are taking philosophy into new fields: health, ecology, neurosciences, security warfare, non-Western thought, trans-identities, the rights of non-human living…


Constructions of Contagion: Sickness and Health in Two Pandemics

Thursday, February 18, 2021, 6:00pm EST This event will be ONLINE and in ENGLISH Live stream on facebook.com/kjccnyu/live Feeling Sick: The Early Years of AIDS in Spain by Dean Allbritton. This book examines the cultural history of the early years of AIDS in Spain (1981-1987) as it has been told through television and print media, ephemeral products of visual culture,…

The Mews Book Club: Tropique de la Violence by Natasha Appanah


Catherine Cusset is the award-winning, best-selling author of thirteen novels published by Gallimard. She taught literature at Yale between 1991 and 2002 and lives in New York City. Her novel Un brillant avenir received the Goncourt des Lycéens Prize in 2008 and her novel L’autre qu’on adorait was a finalist for the Goncourt Prize in 2016. The Story of Jane was published by Simon & Schuster in 2001 and Life of…


Hannes Stein: “Der Weltreporter.” Der Autor Im Gesprach Mit Jorg Thadeusz


Man muss Hannes Stein glauben, wenn er im Prolog seines neuen Buches den Wunsch formuliert, er hätte rasch den Roman zur Pandemie geschrieben und nicht schon viele Jahre daran gearbeitet. Und doch mutet es unter heutiger Perspektive geradezu unheimlich an, wie sich die beiden Hauptfiguren, Julia Bacharach und Bodo von Unruh, in einer menschenleeren Hotelbar kennenlernen und miteinander zu flirten…



Part of the Silsila Spring 2021 Lecture Series, Translations Link to Register here The past decade has seen a proliferation of scholarship on material dimensions of Islamic belief and practice. From amulets to devotional paintings, shrine visitation and relics, a range of subjects once marginal to the historical study of Islam is now attracting attention in disciplines ranging from art history and anthropology…

L’Atelier des enfants with Magali Attiogbé

Albertine 972 5th Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a morning of readings and fun activities based on Le Collier Magique by Souleymane MBodj and Magali Attiogbé in French. The reading will be followed by an interactive collective workshop lead by Magali Attiogbé on Zoom. Children will be invited to create a lion and imagine his various emotion, chat with the author, and share their work…

“Red and Brown”: Left-Patriotism in Russia, its Ideology and Social Base, 1993-2021

This event will be held virtually as a Zoom meeting: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/97955477217.  In the brief civil war that followed the collapse of the USSR, Boris Yeltsin’s pro-Western government was opposed by a strange coalition that the neoliberal media called “the communofascists” or “the red- and-browns.” These clichés were part of a campaign to discredit and de-humanize the resistance to the radical…