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Posts tagged as “Spain”

After the the Havdalah in Rhodes

On the Island of Rhodes, after the Shabbat, families gathered for the Havdalah, the ceremony that separates the day of rest from the beginning of a new week of work. After the recitation of the prayers over sweet wine and a bowl of spices, life resumed as before the pause of the sixth day. The women would seat in the…

Spanish Cinema Days | Film Screening: The fury of a patient man

The Fury of a Patient Man (Raúl Arévalo / Spain / 2016 / 92 min) Synopsis Madrid, August 2007. Curro (Luis Callejo) is the only one arrested for the robbery of a jewelry store. Eight years later, his girlfriend Ana and their son are waiting for Curro to get out of prison. Jose is a solitary and reserved man who…

Film Screening and Discussion: La grieta (The Divide)

La Grieta (The Divide) by Irene Yagüe and Alberto García Ortiz (Spain, 2017, 76’) Following the local government’s sale of thousands of public apartments to foreign investment funds in 2013, many families living in Madrid were forced to leave their homes. This film takes a hard look and, despite the implicit drama, is not without humor when it comes to two…