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Posts tagged as “Serbia”

Double Portrait—Zivokic and Agerfelt Olesen with Ensemble Mise-en

Ensemble mise-en’s Portrait Series seeks to celebrate the landmark works of distinguished composers of contemporary music. This series is aimed towards presenting the music of these composers to a wide spectrum of listeners who are engaged in or curious about contemporary art music from around the globe, such as music students and educators, new music enthusiasts, as well as New Yorkers and…

Dealing with the Past in Serbia: Civil Society Organizations and Transitional Justice Processes

Please join the Harriman Institute, the Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR), and the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (AHDA) for a talk with Marijana Toma, Humanitarian Law Centre (Belgrade, Serbia). Marijana Toma is Deputy Executive Director at the Humanitarian Law Center, where she works on documenting war crimes, oral history, forced disappearances and transitional justice. She served as the…

Goran Radovanović’s “Enclave”

A screening of “Enclave” followed by a Q&A with director Goran Radovanović. From the Harriman Institute: A Christian boy, determined to create a proper community burial for his late grandfather, crosses enemy lines and makes friends among the Muslim majority in deeply divided, war-torn Kosovo. Focused on a tiny Serb community living in a UN-protected enclave in Muslim Kosovo, Enclave…