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Posts tagged as “Populism”

:Me the People—How Populism Transforms Democracy

To RSVP, please click here. What distinguishes populism from run-of-the-mill democratic politics? And why should we be concerned by its rise? In Me the People, Nadia Urbinati argues that populism should be regarded as a new form of representative government, one based on a direct relationship between the leader and those the leader defines as the “good” or “right” people. Urbinati shows that, while populist…

European Seminar Series

Nadia Urbinati: How Populism Transforms Democracy From the NYU Center for European and Mediterranean Studies. 

How Populism Transforms Democracy: European Seminar Series

As part of the European Seminar Series, Nadia Urnamati will discuss how Populism transforms Democracy. All sessions will take place at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, 3rd Floor East, Room 324, 53 Washington Square South 3rd Floor East, New York, NY 10012. Light fare will be served.

Central Europe: From Democratization to Populism

Please join the European Institute and the Harriman Institute for a talk made possible by the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Click here to register. Susann Worschech Assistant Professor, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Tsveta Petrova Lecturer in the Discipline of Political Science, Columbia University Is populism a symptom of democratic crises? What is its relationship…