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Posts tagged as “Photo”


Da Vinci as a Young Man A presentation of WeAreLeonardo [SiamoTuttiLeonardo], a project by Italian mixed-media artist Vittoria Chierici focused on visually portraying Leonardo Da Vinci as a young man, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death. Chierici will take the audience on a journey by virtually leaping into her photojournalistic suitcase, the final work that contains…

We Indict! Unraveling Structural Racism in Germany

Opening: Thursday, February 8, 6:00-9:00pm We Indict! is an exhibition about grassroots activism, social engagement, and creating alternatives to existing legal systems. At its center is a Tribunal initiated by hundreds of anti-racist activists in Germany and assembled under the label “Unraveling the NSU Complex” at the Schauspiel theater in Cologne last May. The Tribunal unravels neo-Nazi terror and institutional racism…