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Posts tagged as “Nationalism”

Ode to the Hybrid: Writing as a Russian-American

Olga Livshin is an English-language poet of Jewish descent, via Russia and Ukraine. The Los Angeles Review of Books described her 2019 book as follows: “In her inventive collection of ‘poems with translations,’ A Life Replaced, … Livshin writes in conversation with Akhmatova, using the older poet’s grief as a guide to navigate the depressing present.” In conversation with Eliot Borenstein, Livshin will discuss…

Book Talk. Giuseppe Mazzini’s Young Europe and the Birth of Modern Nationalism in the Slavic World by Anna Procyk

Join the Ukrainian Studies Program and the East Central European Center at the Harriman Institute for a presentation by Anna Procyk of her book Giuseppe Mazzini’s Young Europe and the Birth of Modern Nationalism in the Slavic World (University of Toronto Press, 2019). Giuseppe Mazzini’s Young Europe and the Birth of Modern Nationalism in the Slavic World examines the intellectual currents in Eastern…

On Sex, Race, Nation, Humanity: Reading Derrida’s Geschlecht III

This event focuses on a recently discovered text by the late Franco-Algerian philosopher Jacques Derrida. Geschlecht III, rediscovered in the Derrida archive and newly published in French (forthcoming in English), is the “missing” installment in Derrida’s four-part series on Martin Heidegger and the German word Geschlecht(meaning, among other things, “sex,” “race,” and “species”). Geschlecht III presents us with one of Derrida’s most sustained engagements with Martin Heidegger,…

Patriotism vs. Nationalism: Ideals for a New Social Contract

Liberal democracies are fraying: fresh ideas and policies are needed to formulate a New Social Contract to ensure that peace and democracy survives and thrives. What moral, social and political ideals can guide us through these troubled times and into the future? Patriotism has reemerged as a rallying cry towards rebuilding a national consensus and restoring acceptable social and political…