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Posts tagged as “Journalism”

The Challenge of Independent Russian-speaking Media in the U.S. and the World

Presented by RTVI in collaboration with the Russian American Foundation and the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, this roundtable discussion will bring together Russian and American journalists, scholars, political scientists, historians and independent authors who will jointly explore the claims of propagandistic media influence, disinformation and foreign interference in the context of modern broadcasting, and address the disruptive intervention on new…

Talk: Julie Urbisova, My Home in NOLA

[2nd Floor] Friendly gathering with Czech journalist Julie Urbisova who lives in New Orleans. In her new book “My home in Nola” (in Czech language) she not only captures the everyday life of an European woman in the center of American South, but mainly covers typical NOLA and Louisiana topics such as Mardi Gras, jazz or fine cuisine. Julie Urbisova…

Book Launching: Eleanor Foa’s Mixed Messages

Eleanor Foa Dienstag in conversation with Meryl Gordon. In post-World War II America, who ever heard of an Italian Jew? No one. Journalist and author Eleanor Foa, born in Italy, raised in America, daughter of a brilliant father whose Italian-Jewish roots trace back to 16th-century printers, was proud of her exotic roots, yet knew little about her lineage. In 2006, accompanied by…