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Posts tagged as “Jewish”

The American Jewish Distribution Center to the Rescue Shanghai

Facing an escalating demand for entry into the United States by German-speaking Jews in Shanghai in early 1941, the United States Consulate called the JDC for help. No one forewarned Laura Margolis, a translator for immigration interviews, about the living conditions of 16,000 Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, all desperate for food and housing. She set up…

Musician, Midwives, Soldiers, Rabbis: Whose Story Will Become Jewish History?

Join Elisheva Carlebach, Deborah Dash Moore, Dara Horn, and Itamar Borochov in a discussion about Confronting Modernity, 1750–1880, Vol. 6 of The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, edited by Elisheva Carlebach. Hear voices rarely included in Jewish culture, such as that of Roza, a multilingual Jewish midwife and that of a Jewish soldier during the American Civil War. Learn about the powerful religious music inspiring artists…

War Orphans find Home: Child Holocaust Survivors and US Adoption – Live on Zoom

This program is sponsored by the “Hear Their Cry: Understanding the Jewish Orphan Experience” Scholars Working Group, which has been meeting at the Center for Jewish History since September 2019. Soon after the conclusion of WWII, American Jewish families began to express interest in adopting young Jewish war orphans. Prompted by the fundraising images of child survivors that peppered the…

Book Talk. A Russian Immigrant: Three Novellas by Maxim D. Shrayer

Please join us for a book talk with Maxim D. Shrayer, internationally acclaimed author of the memoirs Waiting for America and Leaving Russia and of the story collection Yom Kippur in Amsterdam. Shrayer’s new book of fiction, A Russian Immigrant: Three Novellas, explores the lives of immigrants from Russia and the former USSR. A Professor of Russian, English, and Jewish Studies at Boston College, Shrayer is the winner of the 2007 National Jewish…