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Posts tagged as “Holocaust”

Family Affairs: Writing Parents’ Stories

In the fourth program of the series, Bernice Lerner, author of All the Horrors of War: A Jewish Girl, a British Doctor and the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen (Johns Hopkins, 2020) and Susan Jacobowitz, author of the manuscript Far from Childhood: A Holocaust Memoir, discuss with Natalia Aleksiun their parents’ interrupted childhoods during the Holocaust in the Carpathian Mountains. The authors will reflect on their work uncovering the life trajectories…

LBI Book Club, Vol. IX: The Spirit Returneth by Selma Stern

The Spirit Returneth tells the story of a Jewish family living in Jewish communities along the Rhine in the fateful years of 1348 and 1349. Through following the children of one family, who leave home to marry and start families of their own or to study, we follow the progression of the Black Death as it spreads across Germany, bringing with…

In Honor of Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski

The new Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity at the Graduate Center—CUNY launches its public programming with “In Honor of Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski: New Scholarship on the History and Memory of the Holocaust in Poland.” Chaired by Dr Joanna Sliwa, the program showcases a wave of outstanding young historians: Miranda Brethour, Alicja…

Loss & Legacy: The Half-Century Quest to Reclaim a Birthright Stolen by the Nazis

By 1929 Helene and Samuel Gronner reach economic success and social prominence in the German town of Ilmenau. But when Nazi ideology grips the community, neighbors begin to shun Jewish-owned businesses like theirs. After near daily antisemitic encounters in school, they resolve to send Jochen, their teen-aged younger son, to Palestine. It’s not until the war ends that he discovers that his parents…