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Posts tagged as “Food”

Phil Rosenthal in Conversation with Marjorie Ingall

Everyone knows Phil Rosenthal loves to eat. The star of the hit series, Somebody Feed Phil, and co-creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, travels the world to taste the best local cuisine. So, what will we feed Phil at the Center for Jewish History? With hundreds of vintage Jewish cookbooks here in the archives, we have a few recipes in mind.…

Back to Events Italy in the Global Food System

Presenting Fabio Parasecoli’s “Food” Food (2019, MIT Press) by Fabio Parasecoli The author in conversation with Meryl Rosofsky (NYU) A consumer’s guide to the food system, from local to global: our part as citizens in the interconnected networks, institutions, and organizations that enable our food choices. Everybody eats. We may even consider ourselves experts on the topic, or at least…

Kvas Patriotism in Russia: Cultural Problems, Cultural Myths

In 1827 Russian poet Pyotr Vyazemsky (1792-1878) wrote in a letter from Paris: “Many see patriotism as unqualified praise of everything that is your own. [French economist A.R.J.] Turgot called this “servant patriotism,” du patriotisme d’antichambre. In our country we could call it “kvas patriotism.” Why move false patriotism out of the antechamber and into the realm of food and…