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Posts tagged as “Fiction”

The Essential Fictions of Isaac Babel: New Translations by Val Vinokur

Please join us on Thursday, March 8th for “The Essential Fictions of Isaac Babel: New Translations by Val Vinokur”. This talk is part of the Occasional Series, sponsored by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. Isaac Babel was born in 1894 into multicultural Odessa’s thriving Jewish community. Working as a journalist, he witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution…

Konundrum: Selected Prose of Franz Kafka

Deutsches Haus at NYU presents a reading by award-winning translator, writer, and editor Peter Wortsman of Konundrum: Selected Prose of Franz Kafka. He will be joined by Tess Lewis to discuss the release of his new translation of Kafka’s short prose. In this new selection and translation, Peter Wortsman mines Franz Kafka’s entire opus of short prose – including works published in the author’s brief lifetime, stories published posthumously, journals, and…