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Posts tagged as “Europe”

Is there a European Identity?

This session will explore whether the EU integration process has forged a sense of common identity (culturally and politically) among Europeans. Participants will also discuss how minorities and migrants relate to such an identity. February 2, 2021: Thierry Grillet interviews writer Kamel Daoud (pre-recorded in French). The video will be posted on Columbia Global Centers | Paris YouTube Channel. February 9, 2021 | 1pm (New York) | 7pm (Paris): Join Mark…

The Price of Democracy: How Money Shapes Politics and What to Do about It

moderated by Anya Schiffrin To sign up for this virtual conversation, RSVP here. One person, one vote. In theory, everyone in a democracy has equal power to decide elections. But it’s hardly news that, in reality, political outcomes are heavily determined by the logic of one dollar, one vote. We take the political power of money for granted. But does…

How Covid-19 is Reshaping Politics in Europe

This event will recur Every Day until Sep. 17, 2020 Please note: Registration is required to receive the Zoom Meeting ID. Please follow this link to register. Please also note that you will need to have a Zoom account and be signed in to join the meeting. After China, Europe became one of the first major epicenters of the COVID-19…

Race and Policing in Europe and the United States: A Transatlantic Conversation

NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. USE THIS LINK TO ATTEND THE EVENT ON SEPTEMBER 30. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE A ZOOM ACCOUNT AND BE SIGNED IN TO JOIN. DOWNLOAD ZOOM HERE. With Rebekah Delsol (Open Society Justice Initiative), Fabien Jobard (Political Science, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris and Berlin), Donna Murch (History, Rutgers University). Moderated by…