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Posts tagged as “Czech Republic”

Talk: Julie Urbisova, My Home in NOLA

[2nd Floor] Friendly gathering with Czech journalist Julie Urbisova who lives in New Orleans. In her new book “My home in Nola” (in Czech language) she not only captures the everyday life of an European woman in the center of American South, but mainly covers typical NOLA and Louisiana topics such as Mardi Gras, jazz or fine cuisine. Julie Urbisova…

Valentine’s Day Dance Party

[4th Floor] What better way to enjoy the Valentine’s Day than to dance? Join us, and be sure to wear good dancing shoes and festive attire. Bring your loved one or friends, or come alone to dance with us and make new friends. Dress code: Festive to impress. Live music by EXPRESS BAND, food buffet, wine bar, Valentine’s dance show…

Pop rock concert: Michal Hruza

[4th Floor] Singer, songwriter and lyricist Michal Hrůza and his Kapela Hruzy will peform in Bohemian National Hall. Hruza has been a personality of the Czech music scene for twenty years now. He and his band will be playing in the USA for the first time, performing in New York and Washington, D.C. Hruza was a founding member and longtime…

Lecture: The Aftermath of WWII in Czechoslovakia

[1st Floor] Lecture by historian Vojtech Kyncl from the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, with archival footage including unique shots from Pilsen, accompanied by recordings from Czech Radio, and followed by Q&A. The defeat of the Nazi Third Reich was an impatiently awaited result of the European nations’ struggle for freedom. The last weeks of the…