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Posts tagged as “Culture”

The Cheaper, the Better: Obligation, Culture, and Russia’s 19th Century

Join the Jordan Center for the first 19v seminar of the new academic year! What defines Russia’s 19th century in the history of empire? And what relevance might this periodization have for analyses of cultural and literary production?  In this talk, building from my research into the history of communication in the Russian empire, 1500-1900, I will try to think…

Angela Davis Reading Group

Fifty years after she published her first book, If they Come in the Morning: Voice of Resistance, Angela Davis remains one of the most influential writers on culture, gender, capitalism, race, and justice. With such a rich history of activism and writing, it can be difficult to get a full picture of her work. This reading group, facilitated by Marian Jones and Natalie Adler, focuses…

European Seminar: Anson Rabinbach

Anson Rabinbach (Princeton University) in conversation with Stefanos Geroulanos (History, New York University) on his new book Staging the Third Reich: Essays in Cultural and Intellectual History This event will take place over Zoom. Please follow this link to register.

Masculinity & Culture – The Making of a Man

American-Scandinavian Foundation invites you to a virtual conversation between filmmaker Lo Dagerman and author Mark Greene on “Masculinity and Culture”, moderated by Benjamin Mier-Cruz on March 9. Immediately following WWII, a young Swedish journalist, Stig Dagerman, is sent into war-torn Europe. He writes a path-breaking travelogue from the ruins of Germany, and is in 1947 dispatched to Paris. French manhood…