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Posts tagged as “Coronavirus”

Nonessential Travel to Return this Summer as Vaccine Certificates Created

As COVID-19 cases plummet in some parts of the world, 2021 is shaping up to be a hot vaccinated girl summer. The European Union announced last week that it will reopen its borders to nonessential travel this summer, welcoming in eager tourists who have received the necessary jabs. The summer travel season traditionally begins Memorial Day weekend and, after a…

Pandemic Anniversary Indicates COVID-19 Should Have Always Been Taken Seriously

In March 2020, schools, businesses and sporting events shut down as life as we knew it in Europe and around the world was completely altered. As leaders implemented travel restrictions and lockdowns, many Europeans wondered just how long the COVID-19 virus would last. Deniers of the threat presented by the novel coronavirus sprang up all over Europe. Notoriously, their voices…