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Posts tagged as “Colonialism”

Nosotros 3.0: Strengthening Bonds Between Jewish and Latino Communities

The Philos Project and the American Sephardi Federation cordially invite you to the third edition of our Latin American classic art exhibit: Nosotros 2019. This year’s exhibit explores the justice of Zionism through the lens of Jewish and Latino national liberation struggles for independence from European colonialism. A new collection of art pieces will be revealed, including pieces from master…

Violent Beginnings: Defending and Constructing the ‘black’ Ghanaian Citizen in the Cold War

On March 6, 1957, Ghana gained its independence from Great Britain. Under the famed leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, the first newly independent sub-Saharan African country had several pressing questions on its plate: Who was Ghanaian? What were the new government’s duty and role to its citizens? Moreover, what would Ghana’s political and economic relationship to the Capitalist and Socialist world…

Bouzbir and Résistants by Fatima Mazmouz – Photo Exhibit

In Bouzbir, Fatima Mazmouz reappropriates colonial postcards featuring young Moroccan prostitutes in Bousbir, a military district in Casablanca. Exploring how the sexual exploitation of these women was integral to French domination, Mazmouz overlays a digital mosaic of tiny images of vulvas and uteruses. The uteruses symbolize the obscene matrix of colonialism, while the vulvas reflect the articulation of the political and the intimate, at…