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Posts tagged as “Climate change”

Stockholm+50 Reflects Lack of Urgency on Environmental Action

In the 1970s, concern for frightening levels of air pollution, hazardous effects of biocides, and the rapid deterioration of the environment reached a breaking point. Recognizing the mounting problems of climate change, nations came together during the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. The Conference—widely heralded as the birth of environmental diplomacy—established groundbreaking milestones for…

Can the EU Lead the Fight against Climate Change?

Participants in this session will discuss the European Green Deal: What has been achieved since the launch of the EU Green Deal in December 2019? What is the impact of the Covid crisis on efforts to address climate change? How is the EU partnering with other international actors to fight climate change? December 8, 2020: Thierry Grillet interviews climatologist Jean…

Human-Non-Human Entanglements of Prediction in Permafrost-Bound Land

The intensification of ecological fragility and rapidity of environmental change in the Siberian Arctic questions adaptability and human capacity to predict and avert ecological disasters while pointing at potential limitations of available models for forecasting and mitigating environmental calamities. Given the bounded human capacity for predicting unpredictable, the challenge is to craft a tentative strategy that takes into detailed and…