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Posts tagged as “Afghanistan”

European leaders are wrong: Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal does not damage Western credibility

Fully withdrawn from Afghanistan, America has formally concluded its longest ever war. President Joe Biden’s decision to end the costly, fruitless Afghanistan mission reflects pragmatism—and a degree of resolve that Presidents Obama and Trump were seemingly without.  Yet, Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal (and the corresponding, lightning-fast Taliban reclamation) has been politically corrosive, a point of bipartisan condemnation. Amongst a chorus of…

Conversion / After Afghanistan

From the Goethe-Institut: “Berlin- and Hamburg-based costa compagnie, an open collaboration of artists at the intersection of documentary, dance, and performance, presents fragments from its piece Conversion / After Afghanistan, followed by an artist talk. Shortly before the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) pulled out of Afghanistan in December 2014, costa compagnie travelled to Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif to interview locals,…

Afghan Modern: The History of a Global Nation

A talk with Robert D. Crews, professor at Stanford, on his book Afghan Modern: The History of a Global Nation, which discusses the place of Afghans in the global world. Crews will focus on Afghan interactions with Russia, the USSR and Central Asia.