Latest Past Events

“Un coeur simple,” Ali Benmakhlouf lit Flaubert

La Maison Française (NYU) 16 Washington Mews, New York City

**This event will take place in French** Ouvert en personne uniquement à la communauté NYU. INSCRIPTION ICI Ouvert à tous en ligne, via Zoom. INSCRIPTION ICI La Maison Française est ravie d’accueillir Ali Benmakhlouf, visiting professor au département de French Thought, Literature and Culture à NYU pour une lecture exceptionnelle du conte de Gustave Flaubert, Un cœur simple. Voilà comment…

Crisis and Critique: Berlin Theater Today


Deutsches Haus at NYU presents a conversation among Brandon Woolf, Olivia Landry, and Sasha Marianna Salzmann, moderated by David Savran, which will focus on the recent publications by Brandon Woolf (Institutional Theatrics: Performing Arts Policy in Post-Wall Berlin) and Olivia Landry (Theatre of Anger: Radical Transnational Performance in Contemporary Berlin). In this conversation, our panelists will confront the changing cultural…

Late Postcoloniality: The Postcolonial Condition in the Aftermath of Independence in the Portuguese-speaking Africa | Emanuelle Rodrigues dos Santos (U. of Birmingham)


This event is ONLINE and in ENGLISH Register Here Emanuelle Rodrigues dos Santos, Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages at University of Birmingham, presents the talk “Late Postcoloniality: The Postcolonial Condition in the Aftermath of Independence in the Portuguese-speaking Africa” as a part of the lecture series, “Charting the Portuguese Black Atlantic” at New York University. The analysis of cultural forms…