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Color on My Mind: The History of the First Black Mental Health Clinic in America

The Lafargue Clinic was founded in 1946 by a group of black intellectuals and German-Jewish doctors. These activists joined together to answer a pressing need in New York - the need for psychiatric care for Black people. Blacks were historically denied access to clinics and hospitals that provided for the mental needs of the city. Further, black intellectuals argued that their communities…

Phantastica: The Untold Story of Psilocybin Mushrooms

Albertine 972 5th Avenue, New York

Join Stéphanie Chayet and Fabrice Nadjari as they discuss Chayet’s book, Phantastica: ces substances interdites qui guérissent, which explores the forgotten history of mescaline, LSD and psilocybin mushrooms and how they could have revolutionized mental health, had history played out differently. In the early twentieth century, psychedelic drugs made their first appearance in Western science under the name phantastica. Chayet claims…