Latest Past Events

Fermenting and Foraging: Resourcefulness in the Historical and Contemporary Kitchen

Today, techniques such as fermenting and foraging are increasingly appealing to those seeking to create economical, nourishing, waste-free meals. This panel, moderated by Jane Ziegelman, will explore today’s innovative tactics and the historical precedents for these strategies in the Ashkenazi Jewish immigrant kitchen at the turn of the 20th century. Ticket Info: Free; reservation required at to receive a link to…

Turning Points: Joseph Stiglitz and Thomas Piketty in Dialogue

A live virtual transatlantic event September, 10th 2020 | 1:00-2:15 pm EST (New York) | 19:00-20:15 GMT+2 (Paris) REGISTER HERE *This is a simulcast event to be broadcast live on Zoom and also on YouTube and Facebook. A simultaneous French translation will be available on Le and on Zoom. Are widening inequalities and the wealth gap at a tipping point? Join…

The Future of the EU and the European Project

Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, New York

The Future of the EU and the European Project Co-sponsored with NYU Center for European and Mediterranean Studies Thursday, November 14, 6.30 - 7.45 pm RSVP here 15 years ago, ten countries joined the European Union, making the bloc of 28 the second largest economy in the world and a co-pillar of the liberal international order and its collective security…