Latest Past Events

The EU Anti-Corruption Policy: A Reflexive Governance Approach by Andi Hoxhaj

This event will be held virtually as a Zoom webinar and streamed via YouTube Live. There will be no in-person event. Register here for the Zoom webinar, or tune in on YouTube Live. Please join us for a presentation by Andi Hoxhaj (Warwick Law School), author of The EU Anti-Corruption Policy: A Reflexive Governance Approach (Routledge, 2020). Discussion moderated by Tanya Domi (SIPA/Harriman Institute).…

Book Talk. Crude Intentions: How Oil Corruption Contaminates the World by Alexandra Gillies

Marshall D. Shulman Seminar Room 420 W 118th Street, #1219 International Affairs Building, New York City

Join for a talk with Alexandra Gillies about her new book, Crude Intentions: How Oil Corruption Contaminates the World (Oxford University Press, January 2020). Crude Intentions examines the corruption crisis that erupted during the 2008 to 2014 oil boom, when nine trillion dollars in new money flooded the oil-producing world. Observing the oil boom is like placing a drop of dye in…

Conference. New Actors and Strategies for Fighting and Investigating Corruption in the Western Balkans

Deutsches Haus Columbia 420 West 116th Street, New York City

Join the Harriman Institute and the Centre for the Study of Corruption at the University of Sussex for a two-day workshop exploring the latest academic and practitioner trends in researching and addressing corruption in the Western Balkans. This event will bring together academics working on corruption, think-tankers and activists from the region, and investigative journalists, who play an increasingly important…