Latest Past Events

20/21 Philosophers: Delphine Horvilleur


Philosophy, in the 21st century, has changed: its practices and languages are no longer those of the previous century. A turning point has been taken by new generations and thinkers from diverse origins who, more than commenting on the old masters, are taking philosophy into new fields: health, ecology, neurosciences, security warfare, non-Western thought, trans-identities, the rights of non-human living…


Panel Discussion: Paper Trails: Memorials in an Age of Anxiety


In the aftermath of the 2015 terror attacks in Paris, people paid tribute to the victims by bringing to the sites flowers, notes, candles, paintings – all sorts of offerings forming spontaneous memorials. Sarah Gensburger was one of the sociologists who documented their evolution, while the Paris Archives collected their contents. Similarly, Nora Philippe filmed the Women’s March on Washington…


Roundtable Discussion: Le hirak en Algérie : chemins parcourus, perspectives d’avenir


The Algerian uprising known as the hirak is about to reach its second anniversary. Stalled by the COVID pandemic and confronting powerful entrenched interests, the protestors face crucial political choices. The current state of the movement and its possible future are discussed by three leading observers.
