In Honor of Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski


The new Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity at the Graduate Center—CUNY launches its public programming with “In Honor of Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski: New Scholarship on the History and Memory of the Holocaust in Poland.” Chaired by Dr Joanna Sliwa, the program showcases a wave of outstanding young historians: Miranda Brethour, Alicja…


20/21 Philosophers: Tristan Garcia


Tristan Garcia est né en 1981 à Toulouse. Auteur de plusieurs romans parus aux éditions Gallimard, il poursuit sa recherche en métaphysique (Forme et objet, PUF, 2011), tout en publiant des essais portant aussi bien sur l'influence de l'électricité sur notre conception de la vie, que la politique des identités (Nous, Grasset, 2016), l'éthique animale (Nous, animaux et humains, F.…


“Guilt Rules All” Irish Mystery, Detective and Crime Fiction


Irish crime fiction, long present on international bestseller lists, has been knocking on the door of the academy for a decade. With a wide range of scholars addressing some of the most essential Irish detective writing, Guilt Rules All confirms that this genre has arrived. The essays collected here connect their immediate subjects—contemporary Irish crime writers—to Irish culture, literature, and history.
