Virtual Talk with Jean- Pascal Daloz: “Expressions de supériorité”


**This event will take place in French** In Expressions de supériorité: Petite encyclopédie des distinctions élitistes, Jean- Pascal Daloz looks at elitism through many different iterations, backgrounds and eras. Comparing the modalities and logics of elitist distinction on a global scale and through the ages, this book constitutes an absolutely unprecedented sum. It is based on decades of observation in…

Alfredo Catalani (1854-1893): Depictor of death by avalanche


Giacomo Puccini named three criteria of Italian music: clarity, spontaneity, and simplicity. Puccini never mentioned eclecticism, yet it characterizes Italian music over the centuries. In this meeting we explore the music of Alfredo Catalani, who bonded elements of Wagnerian opera and Verismo into an original style. "What Makes It Italian?": According to Puccini is a music listening and discussion group that…