Are There New Ways of Reading the Bible in the 21st Century?


This program will focus on The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume 1: Ancient Israel, from Its Beginnings through 332 BCE, edited by Jeffrey H. Tigay and Adele Berlin, and will feature Alison Joseph in conversation with Deborah Dash Moore. For two thousand years, Jews and Christians have been reading the Hebrew Bible. Are there new ways to read…

Virtual Talk with Brian Roberts “Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America”


In English. Brian Russell Roberts reimagines the geography of the United States in his fascinating book Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America. Rather than viewing the U.S. as a continental country bordered by Canada and Mexico, Roberts sees the American frontier encompassing broad swaths of water and sharing its border of some twenty-one other countries. He elucidates his theory…