Stories of New York: City College the City Game: Triumph, Scandal, and a Legendary Basketball Team

Center for Jewish History 15 W. 16th Street, New York City

This February and March, join historians, writers, filmmakers, and alumni at the Center for Jewish History for a series of discussions and films about City College, its rich Jewish history, and its transformative role in the lives of so many. Part II: The City Game: Triumph, Scandal, and a Legendary Basketball Team At a school better known for intellectual achievement…


What exactly is a concentration camp?

Italian Culture Institute 686 Park Avenue, New York

Dramatic reading of Maria Eisenstein’s diary Internee n.6, (1944), one of the earliest testimonies of life in a fascist concentration camp. Details to be announced. Excerpts for the reading are translated from the Italian original: Maria Eisenstein, L’internata numero 6, edizione critica a cura e con un saggio introduttivo di Carlo Spartaco Capogreco, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2014 (prima edizione Roma 1944).…