Jews of the Wild West

Center for Jewish History 15 W. 16th Street, New York City

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a film screening. Western Jewish pioneers are a largely forgotten chapter in U.S. history. And yet, they played a definitive and often colorful role shaping the expansion of the United States. There were nationally known names such as Levi Strauss, Samsonite founder Jesse Shwayder and the Guggenheim family, who built their great fortunes through grit…


A Very Jewish Christmas: Old World Jewish Christmas Traditions

Center for Jewish History 15 W. 16th Street, New York City

The "December Dilemma" is a long-standing issue in America, but it also has deep roots in Eastern Europe, where the context and relationships between Jews and Gentiles were quite different. In this talk, Itzik Gottesman will examine the fascinating Jewish beliefs and traditions related to Christmas in the Old World. A Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony and a kosher Chinese food dinner will…
