Land rights disputes between the Swedish state and the Sámi (samerna)—an indigenous minority group that have resided in Sweden’s arctic (Sápmi)—date back centuries. The Reindeer Husbandry Act (rennäringslagen), grants the Sámi exclusive rights to reindeer husbandry—a civil and constitutional right for all Sámi people according to the Swedish Supreme Court—which includes hunting and fishing rights. But there are several hoops…
Posts published in “General”
“Trump is Soft on Russia.” The refrain echoed for years—in the media, on elite university campuses, and throughout the professional class. It was accepted as dogma: Trump overly accommodated Russia. And frequently, to explain this dogmatic conclusion, the informed and well-to-do relied on naked conspiracy. Trump must be a Russian puppet, they said. Yet, when you discard the dogma and…
Filmmakers have been exploring the tension, complexity, and consequence of the Cold War for 70 years. Three decades after the fall of Soviet Russia, Hollywood can still be relied upon to regularly produce Cold War-fueled plotlines. And understandably so—few backdrops provide such authentic drama; few premises inspire the dads of America to pay film admission so enthusiastically. Seemingly, each nook…
Stockholm+50 Reflects Lack of Urgency on Environmental Action
In the 1970s, concern for frightening levels of air pollution, hazardous effects of biocides, and the rapid deterioration of the environment reached a breaking point. Recognizing the mounting problems of climate change, nations came together during the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. The Conference—widely heralded as the birth of environmental diplomacy—established groundbreaking milestones for…