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Posts published in “Comment”

Pandemic Anniversary Indicates COVID-19 Should Have Always Been Taken Seriously

In March 2020, schools, businesses and sporting events shut down as life as we knew it in Europe and around the world was completely altered. As leaders implemented travel restrictions and lockdowns, many Europeans wondered just how long the COVID-19 virus would last. Deniers of the threat presented by the novel coronavirus sprang up all over Europe. Notoriously, their voices…

Amid Pandemic Job Losses, UBI Gains Traction in NYC and Europe

As more people continue to struggle due to the coronavirus, politicians in New York City and Europe are incorporating the idea of a universal basic income into their platforms. And with stimulus checks still held up in the U.S. Congress, what once felt like a pipe dream of ultra-left candidates is increasingly being seen as a feasible policy option by…

“Beat the Bullet: Cancel Culture now targeting classic European literature”

Metastasizing further and further into our daily lives, cancel culture has become a governing force throughout entertainment, business, politics and journalism. Constantly guarding against a deviation from their accepted perspective, use of language or morality, the cancel mob selects new targets at 5G speed. Once selected, the target is publicly shamed, ruined and banished.  Often, targets of cancel culture are…

How The UK’s Vaccine Strategists Can Learn From Estonia

No country in Europe boasts a higher vaccination rate for COVID-19 than the United Kingdom, as the political union has 21 vaccine doses per 100 people currently. The UK also ranks second in the world in vaccines per capita. The government plans to vaccinate 15 million people by mid-February and the early numbers reflect that it’s on track. The policy…