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Posts published by “Rui Johnson Petri”

Holding Russia Accountable for War Crimes in the ICC: Rhetoric or Reality?

As Russian forces have pulled back from Kyiv and its surrounding suburbs, chilling accounts of attacks against civilians have emerged. Photos from Bucha showed strewn bodies in the street with hands tied and gunshot wounds to the head. A recent Human Rights Watch report documented “unspeakable, deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians,” including rape, sexual violence, torture, execution, and…

The EU has failed migrants

Last year, the 1951 Refugee Convention, the main international instrument granting refugees and asylum seekers fundamental human rights, celebrated its 70th anniversary. However, a growing number of European countries are failing to uphold the right to asylum guaranteed in the Convention.  EU policy has strayed far from the commitments that member states made in the Convention. During the past years,…