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Posts published by “Harrison Kass”

Harrison was born in New York City and raised in Newtown, Connecticut. He has since lived in ten U.S. states, plus New Zealand. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Journalism and International Relations from NYU, Harrison is an attorney, pilot, guitarist, and pro hockey player. His top five movies are: The Natural, Hook, Top Gun, E.T., and Field of Dreams. He regularly listens to Dokken.

Double Vision: Comparing Trump and Biden on Russia in Policy and Perception

“Trump is Soft on Russia.” The refrain echoed for years—in the media, on elite university campuses, and throughout the professional class. It was accepted as dogma: Trump overly accommodated Russia. And frequently, to explain this dogmatic conclusion, the informed and well-to-do relied on naked conspiracy. Trump must be a Russian puppet, they said.  Yet, when you discard the dogma and…

Gutter War: Reevaluating the Importance of Rocky IV

Filmmakers have been exploring the tension, complexity, and consequence of the Cold War for 70 years. Three decades after the fall of Soviet Russia, Hollywood can still be relied upon to regularly produce Cold War-fueled plotlines. And understandably so—few backdrops provide such authentic drama; few premises inspire the dads of America to pay film admission so enthusiastically. Seemingly, each nook…

European leaders are wrong: Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal does not damage Western credibility

Fully withdrawn from Afghanistan, America has formally concluded its longest ever war. President Joe Biden’s decision to end the costly, fruitless Afghanistan mission reflects pragmatism—and a degree of resolve that Presidents Obama and Trump were seemingly without.  Yet, Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal (and the corresponding, lightning-fast Taliban reclamation) has been politically corrosive, a point of bipartisan condemnation. Amongst a chorus of…

Metal Under Tension: EU fighter jet fleets are becoming outdated. Is an upgrade necessary?

Photo Credit: The National Interest. As Russia, China, and America race to develop cutting edge fighter jets, the European Union is starting to feel pressure to invest heavily in its own aero defense. Perhaps, given the overhyped Russian threat and the ongoing American investment in EU defense, the EU should resist the pressure to upgrade.  Air superiority has come to…